About Jayhawk Flex and Competency-Based Education at KU

Jayhawk Flex is the initiative to explore, develop, and implement competency-based education programs at the University of Kansas. The Jayhawk Flex team is following a research-informed and collaborative process, accounting for multiple constituents, considerations, and areas of need.
The Jayhawk Flex team is comprised of a multidisciplinary group of faculty, staff, administrators, leaders, and IT specialists. The team is organized into a 5-strand model, including Business Processes, Curriculum Development & Learning, Information Technology, Policy & Regulatory Compliance, and Student Journey Supports. The teams drive work in concert with one another and receive guidance and support from a 6th strand – the Steering Committee.
Expand the items below to learn more about the responsibilities and focus of each strand.
Responsibilities and Focus of each Strand
- Revenue & expense model
- Budgets, funding
- Financial aid policies and processes
- Student records
- IT needs analysis
- Existing IT tools audit
- Procure & implement new/modified technologies
- Create data infrastructure
- Learner personas & journey maps
- End-to-end student support model (from discovery to alumni)
- Student communications
- Community-based support models
- Curriculum & competency development
- Instructional design & learning assessment
- Credit for prior learning & pathways
- Employer engagement in curriculum development
- Governance and board approval
- Kansas, HLC, & USDOE approval
- Academic policy review, modification, & development
- Strand coordination & support
- Communication & socialization plans
- Overarching decision-making authority