CBE at KU Updates 05.01.2024
Today marks the beginning of our 5th sprint, which span the next 3 months and end on Jun 31. You can review this sprint’s milestones here.
Canvas Instructure demos will be scheduled throughout May. Here are the dates, times, and descriptions of the demos. If you’re interested in being included, please reach out to Jessica.
Our current draft of the development timeline for Jayhawk Flex can be found here. We’ll continue to expand on this timeline in the coming months.
Next Steering Committee: May 13
Strand Updates
Business Processes & Systems
Leader: Nick Stevens
Next Meeting: TBD
Ryan (C-BEN) has drafted initial academic calendar and financial aid policies as well as writing draft language for academic definitions. Next steps are to determine a cadence for reviewing, editing, formalizing, and drafting procedures.
Curriculum & Learning
Leader: Kelli Feldman
Next Meeting: TBD
In the coming weeks we’ll be strategizing on how to approach Credit for Prior Learning & academic policies, which may involve grouping together into smaller working groups.
Information Technology
Leader: Ed Hudson
Next Meeting: May 2
Canvas Instructure demos will be scheduled throughout May. See here for dates, times, and descriptions of upcoming Canvas demos.
Policy & Regulatory Compliance
Leader: Jennifer Roberts
Next Meeting: May 9
Working across strands to gather the components of the HLC application, with goal of submitting the CBE Project Management program to HLC by end of May.
HOPE & STEM programs were submitted to KBOR on Feb 21. The programs will go through layers of approval that spans from February - June.
Student Journey Supports
Leader: Misty Chandler
Next Meeting: May 13
Over the summer, the SJS strand will hold targeted meetings for each functional area and create service playbooks.
In our last meeting we reviewed the student journey technical maps: