CBE at KU Updates 02.05.2025
- HOPE Program is on track to submit to HLC by February 18.
- The Learning and Assessment workgroup has completed their objectives and will be retired. Thanks to everyone who served on this workgroup over the past several months!
Next Steering Committee Meeting: Feb. 21
Workgroup Updates
Budget & Finance
- Tuition Model Discussions are underway bi-weekly. An adjusted model representing new enrollment statuses and evaluating pricing tiers was reviewed on Feb 5. Next meeting we'll review options for marketing and how that might impact enrollment numbers.
Next Mtg: Feb. 19
- Policies for review have been prioritized and stakeholders have been identified.
- Financial Aid & Registrar policies are underway; publishing pathway dependent on approvals by HLC & USDE.
Next Mtg: Mar. 6
Program Governance
- HOPE HLC application on track to be submitted by February 18, with the goal of making it onto the March 12 HLC IAC meeting for approval. Kicking off STEM HLC application work on February 6.
Next Mtg: Feb. 17
Learning & Assessment Experience
- The workgroup met on January 31 and finalized the canvas competency template. We'll be retiring this workgroup as it has met all objectives. Thanks for everyone's hard work!
Next Mtg: None
Enrolled Student Support
- The Project Management faculty team joined the last meeting and collaborated on the intersection of faculty and advisor roles and how that will impact student communication and degree progression. The development of the Flex student orientation is underway in the new Comevo platform.
Next Mtg: Feb. 7
Enrollment Management
- Work underway on a proof of concept for Jayhawk Flex SIS configuration. An addendum to the catalog is being explored as a solution to the Jayhawk Flex programs that aren't yet HLC approved and eligible for the 2025 AY Catalog. This will be a topic at the next Steering Committee meeting on Feb 21.
Next Mtg: TBD
Jayhawk Flex Overview Jayhawk Flex Notebook Jayhawk Flex SharePoint
Jayhawk Flex Decisions Jayhawk FlexTeams Group Newsletter Archive
If you have any questions or feedback about the program, please reach out to
Jessica Patzke, Diane DeBacker, or Neal Kingston.