CBE at KU Updates 09.27.2023


  • The Student Journey Supports strand met for a mini-retreat on Monday 9/25 to start mapping the CBE student support model.

  • Several representatives from CBE at KU will be attending CBExchange Conference next week. If you have an interest in any of the sessions - please let me know and we can make sure one of us attends and share insights!



Business Processes & Systems

Leader: Nick Stevens nickstevens@ku.edu

Reviewed sample nonterm calendar and discussed considerations.

Strand members are reviewing the nonterm calendar proposal and providing pros/cons/concerns for their business area. There will be an additional sample calendar for review in the next 2 weeks. On the Oct 19 meeting, we’ll discuss pros & cons of each in preparation for the final proposal to leadership on Oct 27.

Curriculum & Learning

Leader: Kelli Feldman kfeldman@ku.edu

Next Meeting: Oct 11

Discussion held today on term length and pricing structure. This will be a valuable input for academic calendar as leadership prepares to make that decision at the Oct 27 Advance.

Information Technology

Leader: Ed Hudson edhudson@ku.edu

Next Meeting: Oct 5

Unicon has begun stakeholder interviews. These sessions will be critical to Unicon’s work to evaluate our current processes & technology. Interview process pivoting to uncover current state first and if future state discussions are needed, subsequent meetings will be set up.

Policy & Regulatory Compliance

Leader: Jennifer Roberts jaroberts@ku.edu

Next Meeting: Oct 13

Working on breaking down the applications and creating the workflow.

Strategizing on the communications plan for APCC & Governance communities.

Student Journey Supports

Leader: Misty Chandler misty.chandler@ku.edu

Next Meeting: Oct 9

On September 25 the group met in person to start mapping the CBE Student Support Model.