Kelli Feldman

- Associate Dean for Teacher Education and Undergraduate Programs
- Steering Committee Member & Leader of the Curriculum Development & Learning strand
- Responsibility for CBE curriculum & competency development, instructional design & learning assessment, credit for prior learning & pathways, and employer engagement in curriculum development
Contact Info
Biography —
Dr. Kelli Feldman is Associate Dean for Teacher Education and Undergraduate programs in the School of Education at the University of Kansas and Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching. Dr. Feldman's professional work has focused on mathematics and science teaching, learning, and assessment in schools for more than 25 years. She has been involved in educator preparation and professional development of educators in university and K-12 settings. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Kansas, Feldman was on faculty at the University of Central Missouri. She began her career in education teaching in public school settings including the Department of Defense Dependent Schools (DoDDS) in Germany. Dr. Feldman specializes in educator preparation, professional development, and elementary mathematics education.