CBE at KU Updates 06.26.2024


  • Jayhawk Flex Halfway There Celebration was held last week. For pictures & videos from the event, see here!

  • Key policies & procedures that need to be updated for Jayhawk Flex have been identified and prioritized. Review here.

  • STEM & HOPE programs were unanimously approved by the Kansas Board of Regents on June 20!


Next Steering Committee: TBD

Strand Updates

Business Processes & Systems

Leader: Nick Stevens

Next Meeting: TBD

Drafts of R2T4, SAP, and credit hour policies are completed - see here. Next steps are to start drafting the next phase of policies & procedures and start queueing up for governance reviews as necessary.

Curriculum & Learning

Leader: Kelli Feldman

Next Meeting: TBD

Grading policies and procedures guidance complete and will be utilized as we moved forward to the policy drafting process. See list of key policies for review here.  

Information Technology

Leader: Ed Hudson

Next Meeting: June 27

Canvas Design Workgroup has been assembled and will begin testing and prototyping competencies in Canvas soon.

Policy & Regulatory Compliance

Leader: Jennifer Roberts

Next Meeting: Jun 27

STEM & HOPE programs were unanimously approved by the Kansas Board of Regents on June 20.

Project Management Flex HLC application draft is completed, reviewed and feedback has been given. In the coming weeks we’ll be revising and preparing for submission.

Student Journey Supports

Leader: Misty Chandler

Next Meeting: Jul 15

SJS is creating a library of Playbooks for each student service area to clarify expectations, delivery, and additional needs or set up required. These draft Playbooks are available for use and reference: